You Can Find The Best Insurance Policy When You Know What to Look For — Mobile Phone Insurance
You Can Find The Best Insurance Policy When You Know What to Look For - You can easily find the best phone insurance policy when you what to look for and this article can help you find that out. You need to find the price of the policy first and foremost. The chart on this page can help you easily discover the prices for the top insurers. There are a few things that you will need to look for, as well.
The Claim
You want to understand what happens after you make a claim. You need to understand whether your mobile is going to be fixed or if you will be getting a new one. You may end up with a different phone if your phone is out of stock.
Sometimes, they will even send you a refurbished phone and you could end up with someone else’s headache, so you want to be careful if this is what they send you.
Excess Fees
Different companies offer different excess fees. You must pay this before any claim can be processed, so make sure that you can handle this price. Most companies charge between £50 and £75, so make sure the company that you are contemplating is close to this amount.
You must be aware of how many claims you can make per year, especially if you are sent a refurbished phone. If you are sent someone else’s problem phone and it wasn’t fixed properly or the same thing breaks on it, you may be out of luck.
Reporting A Phone Loss
If your phone is stolen, you must report it to the police and the insurance company within a 12 to 24-hour period. If your phone has a passcode option, you should always use it so that others cannot access your information or make unauthorized calls on your phone. If you report the phone loss promptly, a good insurance provider will cover any unauthorized calls or purchases made.
The Fine Print or Exclusions
Many insurers will offer to cover just about any type of accident or problem in the adverts, but once you delve into the policy, you will see a ton of exclusions. Make sure that you read the fine print, otherwise, you may believe you are covered for things such as water damage or accidental damage, only to find out that it is listed under the exclusions.
The way to get the very best insurance policy is to read the policy carefully and ask questions. Make sure that you know your policy inside and out to prepare for any type of circumstance that may come your way.